
  • Very Strong : 6 to 7
    The “Very Strong” score specifies that the legislative frameworks match or are close to international guidelines and indicators. If a country has the “Very Strong” status on the main category, for example, “Merger Regulatory Regime”, this indicates that the merger regulatory regime is identical to the international indicators and model law templates.
  • Strong : 5 to 5.99
    Legislative frameworks that score “Strong” are the closest to the Very Strong as recommended by international guidelines and indicators. It indicates that the status of a main category or sub-category is strong.
  • Developed : 4 to 4.99
    The “Developed” classification indicates that much of the legislative frameworks are in a developed stage, near the strong and Very Strong standards recommended by international measurements.
  • Moderate : 3 to 3.99
    The legislative framework is at a developing stage in comparison to international "Very Strong". The “Moderate” score indicates that the categories or sub-categories condition is in the middle between “Basic” and “Developed”.
  • Basic : 2 to 2.99
    The legislative framework in a country with this score is considered to be basic or sub-par compared to general international standards. The legislation categories and sub-categories with this score have the minimum structure or performance in comparison to the "Very Strong". For example, a country’s “Basic” score on enforcement indicates that the country’s law enforcement is at a minimum.
  • Weak : 1 to 1.99
    The legislative framework is weak and very far from international "Very Strong". However, the “Weak” classification is the second-lowest score (between 1 and 1.99). It mainly indicates that the categories and sub-categories with this score are not effective or exist but below the basic level.
  • Very Weak : 0 to 0.99
    The “Very Weak” classification is for the lowest scores within the scoring continuum (below 1). This score is for legislative frameworks that are super weak and very close to non-existing, or where there are no defined laws in the specified category. It mainly indicates that the legislation with this score barely exists and is far from "Very Strong" international standards. Having this score on the “Exemptions” sub-category, for example, indicates that the country has many exemptions from the law, and it does not match international standards.
Main Headings Score Description
Element Score Description